AGENDA - Conservation Commission
Town Hall – 25 High Road
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 7:00 p.m.
Next Meeting Date: July 21, 2009
Review/Accept Minutes of April 21, 2009
Fred Jackman (68 Green Street) – A continued NOI for roadway maintenance, drainage, ditches, utility pole installation and wetland mitigation at the junction of Emery Lane/Plummer’s Lane/Low Street. On June 10, a Request for Continuance until the July 21, 2009 meeting date was received.
Michael Kellan (8 39th Street) – A continued NOI to construct a single-family home and to extend driveway on the ROW to provide access to the subject property.
John Van Loan (41 Plum Island Tpke) – A continued NOI to raze existing structure and rebuild new single-family home in approximate location outside the coastal marsh.
Michael Hoey ((21 Dartmouth Way) – A continued NOI for an addition of a 140 square-feet to an existing deck.
Lawrence Sturdivant (35 Downfall Road) – An RDA to replace the existing cesspool with three leaching trenches located outside 100-foot buffer zone.
Sally Howard (18 River Street) – An NOI to upgrade existing septic system for existing single-family dwelling.
Leonard Dobson (38 Old Point Road) – An NOI to construct a two-story addition over existing deck.
Certificate of Compliance:
Wendy Appel (3 Dartmouth Way) - DEP File# 050-620 for the raising (2-feet) with pilings, and an addition of 625 sf over existing footprint.
John Carney (19 Dartmouth Way) - DEP File# 050-935 to construct a single-family home.
David Binder (98 Northern Blvd) – DEP File# 050-935 to construct a single-family home.
Joyce Machiros (2 Old Point Road) – DEP File# 050-997 for the removal of underground tanks from the gas station.
Peter Murphy (20 Old Point Road) – DEP File# 050-815 to construct a new single-family home.
Other Business: Scott McKearney (75 Old Point Road) – Update
Prelim Flood Zone Maps